Penhold rubber placement


Kaden Moss
Kaden Moss Asked 11 years ago

I noticed a lot of penhold players having a gap between the bottom of the rubber and the top of their handle so that their fingers can wrap around the handle (like Ma Lin's forehand!). How wide should this gap be? Would this effect the traditional backhand loop of block if the index finger cannot be straightened?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kaden,

This is a personal preference as to how it feels.  Ma Lin must be able to get the index finger moving OK.  I guess it is a matter of getting used to the feel of it.

Any other penholders out there that can shed some light on the discussion?

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Thoughts on this question

Ronak Vyas

Ronak Vyas Posted 9 years ago

Well yeah, it is a matter of preference actually. See, most penhold players hail from China and many chinese rubbers, apart from being tacky, are quite heavy. So, leaving some gap helps bring the weight down a little. On the contrary, most RPB players, like myself, usually do not like leaving the gap on backhand side. I tend to think that when we play backhand the wrist extends more smoothly if the fingers on the backhand side are over the rubber, and also the grip is more firm this way. On the forehand side though, I like leaving about half an inch gap coz I think it's gives me more control while playing backhand, besides the weight thing.

Kabeer Sayed

Kabeer Sayed Posted 6 years ago

I agree with Ronak especially in regards to the RPB. Having a gap on the RPB side is a nuisance to me.

Ultimately, it's a matter of preference.

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