Percentage of missed serves to shoot for


steve king
steve king Asked 7 years ago


In tennis, a small number of double faults is acceptable and a player who rarely double faults is probably not being aggressive enough with power or placement.  I am wondering if there is any parallel thinking in table tennis?  If so, should I push my serve to the point where I miss occasionally, or should the server be more conservative since to miss is loss a point?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Steve,

I think in a match you should aim for zero faults.  It gets too expensive to lose a point with a fault.

In training is where you can push your limits and see what is possible.

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The backhand serve is often under rated. We teach you how to vary your spin so you can confuse your opponent.

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Thoughts on this question

steve king

steve king Posted 7 years ago

Makes good sense..thanks for answering!

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