Playing a sibling


Michael Song
Michael Song Asked 8 years ago

Hi pingskills!

It's been a while, I hope you are both doing okay!

This coming weekend is the NYC individuals championships, and I'm coming in as the no.7 seed, and my brother is coming in at the no.4 seed.  However, the current no.3 seed is slated to drop out for reasons unknown, which would move my brother's seeding and my seeding up one, to 3 and 6 respectively.  This means that we are slated to play each other in the quarterfinals, but I can't find it in myself to play him, since either way, it hurts one of us, are there any methods to getting over this mindset, and furthermore, is there any way I could get myself better prepared, both mentally and game-wise, for the tournament?

Thank you!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Michael,

It is never an easy thing to play a sibling.  I have seen it play out so often.

I think the thing to focus on is that you are both playing a game and that the winning and losing isn't what you are focusing on.  Think about both of you achieving your highest level.  If you both focus on this then there can actually be two winners... right??

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