Perfect timing


jetric jetricaranas123
jetric jetricaranas123 Asked 12 years ago

Dear Alois, it's Jetric again., i got a really big problem about hitting the ball in perfect timing, how can i do this?? pls help me :)

-Jetric Aranas(Philippines)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jetric,

Work at hitting a lot of balls and keep focusing on getting the ball at the top of the bounce and in the same position in relation to your body.  If you do these two things then you will time the ball well also.

This involves hitting a lot of balls over a long time and also moving well so that you can get the ball in the right hitting zone consistently.

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Thoughts on this question

jetric jetricaranas123

jetric jetricaranas123 Posted 12 years ago

TNX alois !! :D


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