Pingskills instructional book


eduardo espinosa
eduardo espinosa Asked 11 years ago

Hello, Alois and Jeff. I am sure that this idea have crossed your minds at some point. There are very few books about table tennis that are worth having. You guys have the skills, abundant data, the pedagogy, and our support for sure.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Eduardo,

Thanks for the thoughts and the vote of confidence.  We have thought about the concept.  We will keep it in our ideas folder as something to work on.

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Thoughts on this question

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Posted 11 years ago

Hello, Alois. Thanks for considering what I believe to be a very good idea. Along my life as a table tennis player I have had to learn by imitation, trail and error, and a couple of "so so" books. The result: A mediocre player. I have also seen many young discouraged beginners quit in front of the apparently impossible task. If they could only have a good book they would have discovered it's not impossible with a method. All of the skills and techniques, etc. compressed in one well directed book. I did not quit because it has been my health support for the last 25 years. It does not have to be only a competition sport. There are many reasons to stay playing.

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