PingSkills Rook


Maxwell Pond
Maxwell Pond Asked 13 years ago


Thank you for answering my previous question on chinese penhold bats.

However, I am curious as to if the "PingSkills Rook" has two different rubbers on each side? If so, what are they. And, when is it coming back in stock, if it is.

Thanks again!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Maxwell,

The Rook has the same rubber on both sides.  It is Lion 5 Star rubber.  It is a good allround rubber.  Jeff and I think it is an ideal type of rubber for control to help when you are starting out and working on your technique. 

It should be back in stock in about 5 weeks.  We were caught out with a big order that ran us dry. 

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