Pit out strategy


Ron Yang Unknown
Ron Yang Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi, Dear PingSkills expert:

I would like to know how to play against a player with a pitout (Long or short) paddle. I understand the reply will reverse my spin from Topspin to Underspin or vice versa. But, How do I play against him?

Another school of thought, if I can not win, why not join them?

So, could you recommend me to buy a paddle or just rubber so I can practice at home against a ROBOPONG?

Thank in advance.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Ron,

Take a look at a few of the quesitons and discussions about playing long pimples.

This question may help you out.  Good Tips to Play Pimpled Racket.

I think it is beeter to persevere in trying to play against theis style of player.  Look at it as a learning experience.

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Thoughts on this question

jamie champion

jamie champion Posted 15 years ago

hi alois 

im not sure if you know Srinkanth (not sure how to spell) he's playing in coburgs premier pennant and he uses pimples but when i play him i do quite well what i do is every time i see him chop i hit the ball flat and when i serve i always serve with no spin im not sure if this is the right way but it works for me (i cant beat him but i get very close and he is susposed to be one of the "elite players") 

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