On Wednesday I am playing a cup match against a player that plays back from the table and plays topspin shots from a long way back. He is a better player than me and because it is a cup match it will be judged on the number of points won. We will get a handicap. When I get my smash away, I usually miss the 3rd smash. How would you advise playing against him considering I am trying to win as many points as possible?
Hi Sam,
If he is a better player he may feel comfortable against your smash, even at full speed. I would think about variation rather than speed to win the points. Play a few balls slower and then faster. If he is comfortable away from the table, bring him in closer with a slower ball. When you are ready and in good position then play a fast ball.
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Sam Evans Posted 11 years ago
Do you think adding side spin to my smashes would help?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
You can add sidespin but it makes the stroke a lot more risky.