Playing against a weaker opponent?


ram enjoy2000
ram enjoy2000 Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I was talking to a friend the other day who is a very good player.  He was telling me that he would only play with players who can match him.  I repeatedly asked him what was the reason? 

The immediate answer was that only when you play against players who can match you or play better than you, your game would be improved.  He also told me while playing against weaker opponents, he tend to be very lethargic and casual and said that could affect his game.

What is your thought on this?

Thanks and Regards,

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ram,

There are definitely advantages in playing against weaker opponents.  For one if everyone only practiced with better players, training wouldn't exist.

You need to set yourself a goal or focus for each session.  If you are playing with someone weaker than you the focus of the session may change.  FOr example if they can't block your topspin well, then you would focus your session more on their attack and your blocking and reactions.

The other advantage with playing with weaker players is that it is nice to win points sometimes.  If whenever you train you are not wining many points even during drills you get used to and start to accept losing points.  I remember that my best improvements later in my playing years was when I was training with a junior player.

Practice with a wide variety of players, styles and levels for the best results.

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