Playing beginners


Judah Cagas
Judah Cagas Asked 13 years ago

Hi coaches,

I have a problem with beginners.i always play with those who are high levels and when it comes to beginners i am not usual to their style and serve.they serve the hit bounce bounce serve and i topspin it and it goes out.How should I overcome that?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Judah,

Think about making sure you get the ball on the table first.  If you are better than the other player they will rely on you making mistakes.  If you eliminate the simple mistakes, you will start to beat these players. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against Long Pimples

Learn to dominate long pimples by understanding how they work. You are in control of what spin comes off the long pimples. Use this fact to your advantage to get the type of ball you like to play against.

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Thoughts on this question

Samuel Lim

Samuel Lim Posted 13 years ago

alois i seem to be suffering this dilemma too.. im used to people with strong speed and spin.. but when i play begginers they just to throw me off my game.. 

Arnon Thaicharoen

Arnon Thaicharoen Posted 13 years ago

You're used to balls with spins while those beginners play no-spin balls. Just revert to your stroke basics: forehand and backhand counterhit with different placements and you'll be fine.

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