Playing Choppers


Carlo Unknown
Carlo Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois,

I realized I've been weak against choppers ever since my partner got interested in chopping. I've also shown him your videos on Forehand and Backhand Chop and he quickly mastered them. I gave him Long Pimples (DHS C7 LP) which was lying around on a DHS premade. Also his racket is the first premade I had which is the Mark V Gatien Bat. I replaced the rubbers which Mark V on the forehand and DHS C7 LP on the backhand. I might give him something more useful as gratitude for training with me.

Since he was chopping, I took time to use this to my advantage and learn looping against a chop which has more backspin than a push. I've watched match videos on Youtube and one thing I notice was when the ball lands on the middle of the table, the attacker fast loops it. When the ball lands near the end line, they slow loop it. Why is that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Carlo,

When the ball is closer to the net it is easier to play a strong shot.  This is because the ball is closer to your target (the other side of the table).

As an attacker you should be looking for the shorter ball to play strongly.  As a chopper you should be looking to mainly keep the ball deep on the table.

Take a look at the Blog Playing against Defenders. This may help you more.


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Thoughts on this question

Carlo Unknown

Carlo Unknown Posted 15 years ago

How about this video Alois?

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