Sidespin in Backhand Topspin


Carlo Unknown
Carlo Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Recently, my backhand loop has been having some sidespin in it. I followed you Backhand Topspin against Block video but it seems it can't help. I tried watching Kreanga's Training Video and followed his Powerful BH Loop advice but it seem it only added some power and control but the sidespin it still there. Is it because I'm left handed?...

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Carlo,

Sidespin comes from the racket being on an angle when you contact the ball.

If the bat is facingto where you want to hit the ball it will go stright with topspin.  If the bat is tilted with then nose down or up then you will get some sidespin.

Take a look at the lesson on Sidepspin Topspin.  Thsi will help you to understand how to put sidespin and may help you to understand why you are getting sidespin.

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Choosing forehand or backhand against sidespin serves

Some players prefer playing with the spin when receiving a sidespin serve by using their forehand, and some prefer playing against it by using their backhand. Though most people prefer the ball spinning into them you can't always use your forehand so here are some tips on how to play a backhand topspin consistently against the sidespin serve curving away from you.

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Thoughts on this question

Carlo Unknown

Carlo Unknown Posted 15 years ago

Sorry Alois I meant I was intending to do a BH topspin not the one with sidespin.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago

I think Alois was suggesting that if you watch how sidespin is generated then you could relate that to your own situation. If you realise how you are getting the sidespin it will be easier to change to a straight topspin.

Another thing to consider is that hitting your backhand topspin with sidespin is not a bad thing as it can be a more difficult shot to return.

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