Playing More


anil Unknown
anil Unknown Asked 16 years ago

im ok at table tennis but i want to play more but i can only play on fridays what tips can you give me.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Anil,

You can play at home against the wall if you haven't got anyone to play.  Just use any table and hit the ball as many times as you can.  The more times you can hit the ball the better it will be for you.

You can even practice hitting the ball up in the air with your bat. You can do all sorts of skills like that. Alternating sides, or hitting it witht he edge of your bat.

Keep it up.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#12 - Defensive Technique

Although attacking is the most popular style at the top level in Table Tennis, it is important to be able to defend well. If you choose to play a defensive style then you should be practicing these strokes all the time. If you play an attacking stroke then you should still try and find some time for these strokes. If you can win one extra point by defending well when pressured, it could make the difference between winning and losing.

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