Playing table tennis after a long break


Jasper Low
Jasper Low Asked 4 years ago

It has been 3 months since I played table tennis, if my table tennis quality drops, what should I do to get to my original level?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Jasper,

The first thing is to be patient and not have too many expectations.

Then work through the skills that you want to work on.  You may find that there is not much difference in your ability.  In some areas, they may even have improved because you go into it with less tensions and expectations.

If you have been playing for a very long time, this process is usually quicker.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#34 - Chopping, a last defence

Unless you are a defender you won't be practicing chopping regularly. However the chop is a great way to stay in the point if you are out of position and is also a difficult variation for your opponent to deal with.

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Thoughts on this question

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 4 years ago

It's taking quite a long time to get to my original level. It's been 4 sessions already, my training partner and I keep missing quite a lot of balls 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

Be patient. 

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