Forehand with pimples trying a new bat


Geoff  Garrett
Member Badge Geoff Garrett Asked 3 years ago

Hi Alois - can you link me to some videos you have? Thx! 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Geoff,

We don't have anything specific on playing with short pimples... although I am sure we did one a while ago...

However, focus on playing similar strokes to what you would with inverted rubber.  The difference is that you can start a little higher and have the stroke more forward to allow the pimples to do the work and flatten out the contact on the ball.  Don't try to do too much with them initially, just allow yourself to adjust to the subtle difference of the trajectory of the ball off the pimples.

As you become more comfortable with them then you can think about having a shorter contact time on the ball and speeding up the stroke to generate more speed in particular.

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