Can i practice with a wall because i haven't got a table tennis table.I'm chinese and i'm not good at table tennis.I really want to win my friends! please help!
Hi Jiadong,
Take a look at our lesson on Practicing Alone. This will help you with some ideas.
In this session we focus on your backhand attack and in particular the placement of your backhand attack. By being able to vary the placement of your backhand attack you will keep your opponent guessing and be able to play to wherever you feel is there weakest spot defensively.
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eric su Posted 12 years ago
i going to compete with my friends in just a few days and i haven't got a table tennis table.They are extremely good and i could only hit gentle shot and can't return their smash.If i lose my friends will think i'm rubbish.Any tip on beating them in this short time with no ping pong table would be great!
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Hi Jiadong,
Try to think about your serves and how to contact the ball better to get more spin on the ball.