hi sir alois,
i would like to know how to practice topspin alone without any table
i already know anout the shadow play but the thing about shadow play that makes me unsure about this is if the stroke im doing is actually correct
sometimes when i do shadow play i get use to the stroke that i use in it but sometimes the stroke that i use in shadow play is wrong so when i play with a ball and table the ball sometimes doesn't have any spin to make it go inside the table and sometimes it goes toward the net
sir alois do you have another way to make me pactice my topspin???
by the way sir alois I'm a Filipino so I'm not so good at speaking english
sorry for the lame english :DD
thank you in advance :D
Hi Amiel,
The only other way I can think of is if you get a bucket of balls and drop them one at a time and hit it forward and see if the ball has dip on it. You could mark out the length of a table and see if you can get the ball to drop into that area.
Others may have some more suggestions.
Lesson 7 focuses on the forehand and backhand topspin against backspin strokes. This is an important stroke in your development as it lets you turn defence into attack.
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Amiel Castaneda Posted 13 years ago
oh ok sir
thank you for the advice :D