Practise without a coach


Roland Visnyei
Roland Visnyei Asked 12 years ago

Hello Alois,

I'm a hungarian student in a secondary school, and i have a question about practising ping pong.

I love table tennis, and I think i play quite good,( but only as a hobby) and last time i finished a table tennis competition in the fourth place. I have a good bat, but I don't have a table, so I can only play ping pong in the school at the breaks between the lessons. 

My problem is that i always do coarse mistakes( hitting over the ball, hitting the ball out of the table). I would like to be more accurate and faster.

Unfortunately, I do not have enough money to pay for lessons with a coach and for your premium lessons. 

 So my question is all of these, how can i practise without a coach(and money) to be better?

Thanks in advance, 

Roland Visnyei.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Roland,

You can do a lot of improving by just getting on the table and doing some consistent hitting.  In those breaks, try to get a partner to hit some consistent rallies, aiming for 100 balls in a row, then more. Take a look through our Free Video Lessons and try to learn as much as you can from there as well.  There is a lot of information that you can go through.  

It is aways nicer to have a personal coach, but you can still reach a high level without one. 

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Spin and Speed

Get the most out of your topspins by using spin and speed. If you simply hit the ball faster without any topspin, it will sail off the end of the table.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Roland Visnyei

Roland Visnyei Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Alois,

i will give it a try. I already downloaded your free lessons, what I know I learnt from those. If I notice any change, i will write.

Thanks again, 


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
No problems Roland.

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