

jassy faz
jassy faz Asked 14 years ago


 I wanted to know what drills to practise.

I practise forehand to forehand back hand to backhand forehand to backhand backhand to forehand and footwork drills for 15 min each, also wanted to know if i should make a routine where on some days i just practise serves?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Shahvez,

This is definitely a job for our Training Secrets Revealed DVD.

This DVD will show you several drills that you can use.  It also explains the purpose for each drill and what it is useful for.

The routine you are doing sounds like it is a good start.  You should also try to incorporate a warm up and some games into the session.

You can certainly do a session only on Seving if you are motivated enough to do that.

If you get a chance purchase a copy of Training Secrets for yourself.

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Between Games

After each set of Table Tennis you get a 1 minute break. During this time you need to review the previous set and prepare your tactics for the next one. Watch this master class to find out what you should be considering.

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