Pre Paid Credit Cards and PayPal


Anthony Pham
Anthony Pham Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois/Jeff,

I am thinking of buying the pingskills touch with xiom vega but i just want to ask will i be able to purchase it with a one time use prepaid master card at safeway?

Thank you

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Anthony,

Good question. I'm not entirely sure of the answer. We are using PayPal to process all our payments, so it really depends on whether PayPal will accept these credit cards. I did a quick search on Google and it seems that PayPal won't always accept them. From what I read, PayPal needs to verify the credit card and sometimes they use an extended validation process which might not be possible with these pre paid cards? Sorry I can't be more specific.

Another option is to link your PayPal account with your bank account. That way you don't need a credit card. We've also had people ask their friends to make the purchase and then pay them back.

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