

Filippo Rotunno
Filippo Rotunno Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois (two questions this week!)

On analysing the results of the past years, except for the ones that I have won or lost in 3 straight games, I have noticed that I have on average always lost the first game. It is only when I lose the first game that I wake up and start playing to my best. I seem to need the first game to study my opponent and devise an appropriate tactic or it may be due to my age (I am 70) and need a game to warm up properly. I cannot improve on the latter as there is unfortunately, at local League level,  no possibility of a proper warm up.

Can you give me some advice please?

I will never tire to remark what a sterling job you and Jeff do. It is fantastic!

Kind regards


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Filippo,

Starting slowly is difficult in those league matches because of the format.

However, you can try to be more physically and mentally ready.  If possible can you do a short physical warm up.  Even just taking a few minutes to stretch or mobilise your arms and legs, can help.

The other thing that may help is to spend time thinking about your match and formulating tactical plans before you get on the table.

Thank you, as always, for your kind feedback...

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