Strokes and Technique
Hi Alois,
I had to give up Table Tennis for a year due to RSI. No more worries until 2 days ago. I had a hit on my robot, just trying some forehands. I immediately felt my arm was dead. This symptom was the start of the old injury in 2008. I am desperate not to let that happen again.
In comp, I got an easy smash. But when I lifted the bat, I played a bad shot, with the ball going nowhere near the table. After playing the night, my arm was throbbing. My GP told me that I haven't yet injured myself chronically. I'll still need a break for some weeks.
Am I playing too much TT? I feel at my age that I should be able to play comp every day of the week, if I wanted to. Serious players are playing 2 or 3 times longer a week than me and I'm sure to be stronger than all the top juniors. The GP has given me basic weight exercises to do.
I think the reason for RSI may be poor f/hand technique. I think I've been trying to swing my arm too quickly and not use the legs and waist to naturally accelerate. I think if I got down down lower maybe my body would do more work, taking stress off the shoulder?
My practice partner agreed that my problem could be related to technique, as his tennis elbow was caused by bad technique.
I've found myself doing more f/hands recently, improving them, and having no discomfort. I've been working more on consistency rather than force. So the injury seems odd. Plus the night before I was playing well with no sign of injury.
Do you think the injury is related to bad technique?
Should I be doing strengthening (with weights) even when well (to prevent further injury), or could I prevent the problem by fixing technique? My f/hand isn't my natural shot. If I'm relying on the arm too much, this is because I have trouble getting the whole body into the shot. This could be from being a cellar player for too long.
Help appreciated.
Hi Andrew,
It may well be technique issues. I would go and see a Physiotherapist who may be able to help you to work out what is causing the problem. You may need to show them your technique and when it is hurting.
I think they will get you to do some strengthening of the problem areas.
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Andrew Pape Posted 12 years ago
Hi Alois,
The physio caused a secondary injury, and that made the healing take another 3 months! All he could do right was rub in anti-inflammatory gel and then apply heat to it, and each time I felt okay for a few hours and then I had the same problem. Time was the only way to heal.
The 2 exercises the GP gave me were the same safe ones from the physio. I'm putting my money on you and the GP, not the physio.
The GP is sharp, and he instantly knew what I meant when I mentioned using the whole body rather than just the arm. I will keep doing the exercises the he gave for a couple of weeks, and then I'll get back to you.
So far the only action that's hurt is when trying to smash. Otherwise it's like playing left handed when I'm right-handed.
I'll use my camcorder to capture my technique, or else do a shadow shot to show the GP.
Thanks again.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Hi Andrew,
There are Physios and physios. I don't have a name of anyone to recommend you but try to see someone that is a sports physio and then perhaps see who they work with. A good physio will be able to help you.
DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago
me too, i've just got injury yesterday
when i try to do forehand flick, my right shoulder is hurt and my bone give a voice and i it's hurt and also my right hand is limp and i can't move it. If i move it, it's very hurt
when i try to rest some minutes, it's recovered and i try to play again. Then, when i do forehand smash, my right arm got the same pain just like when i do the flick
i try to rest again and then it's recovered and i can move my right arm
but, sometimes when i wiggle my right shoulder especially when i move it backward and it's hurt
can you tell me what happen to my right arm ? is it prain or my bone crack or the bone have moved ?
i very afraid of my condition now
please let me know what happen to me
thank you...