Problem faced when opponent lobs


utkarsh agarwal
utkarsh agarwal Asked 10 years ago

Hi coach,

As the title says when my opponent lobs the ball I can't hit the ball consistently and it just annoys me when my opponent takes the point during such situation. I mostly lose the point when the lobbed ball hits the table on the third line and I'm forced a bit away from the table. Please help me with this problem.

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Utkarsh,

Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Smash.  This is the best strokes to combat the lobs.

Recommended Video

Backhand Smash

Our advice is to avoid the backhand smash and play the forehand smash instead. However if you do get caught out and need to play it, watch this video to learn the right technique to use.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Kaustubh Kulkarni

Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago

I too have problem against players who lob more. They give high balls and smash- they lob... This goes on continouosly. Then I get tired after smashing and smashing and lose the point. When I play a drop shot they come near the table running and again give high ball or punch the ball  very fast.

Please give me advice to play with such players.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Yes Kaustubh, watching the smash lesson will help.

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