Problems With Footwork


Lachlan Kennett
Lachlan Kennett Asked 1 year ago

Hi Alois, I've had some problems with footwork recently! One coach taught me that before I take a loop shot I should have my left foot open (kind of on your tippy toes) and I should have my right foot closed (flat on the ground). When you take the shot, you rotate and do the opposite (so your left foot closes and your right foot opens). It turns into an open-close mechanism switching from your feet. However, some other coaches describe it as more of a shuffle. Some coaches suggest to just keep your feet planted on the ground and do almost short little jumps. What should I do?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Lachlan,

The transfer of weight that your coach is showing you is fine.  This is when you are starting to utilise a bit more rotation of the waist.

You can start with a balanced stance with no movement of the feet.  However as you progress, eventually there will be a more dynamic movement that could involve jumping and transferring your weight more fully through the stroke.

These are all options and progressions of the stroke.

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Improve Your Forehand by Transferring Your Weight

Transferring your weight from one leg to the other is particularly important for the forehand stroke. In this video we teach you the right way to do it. It's really important to remain balanced during your stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

yagiz yılmaz

yagiz yılmaz Posted 1 year ago

What about when pros jump? Are they also weight transferring? If so, how? Like, I saw them planting their foot and transferring their weight smoothly and balanced too but I think I see them jumping a lot more than that. Also, they look like they are weight transferring (their leg and waist rotation) but they are usually on the air, in the middle of jumping action. This has been a big question for me.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 1 year ago

Hi Yagiz,

Jumping with both feet is an advanced move that you will see most advanced players using.  This allows for a faster and more efficient movement.  They transfer their weight through the stroke as they swing.  The jumping gets them into a good position more quickly to be able to execute the stroke.

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