My reverse pendulum stays within my court, it does not move on to the next court, it has its 1st bounce and turns back towards me.
Hi Nischay,
Try to get the bat moving more towards the net if this is happening. You need more forward momentum on the ball to get it to move toward the other side of the table.
Focus on your finish position with the serve. If you are currently pointing to the side then get the finish position more awards the net.
In this video you will learn about basic serving strategies such as serving wide on either side. It is also important to not always serve to the same spot and to make sure you are always varying your service location.
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Johan B Posted 9 years ago
I found it useful to start of trying to hit the ball initially with heavy backspin and quite long, then just adjust from there. By now I can do all kinds of spin variation with it, but still need much more practice placing the ball. I nevertheless find it a very useful serve now already, as my opponents often are unsure if I did a reverse or a normal pendulum, so even if it tends to trail long every now and then, their doubt makes their attack sloppy.
Last time I had success serving a couple of serve short down the line with a normal pendulum (and doing the reverse follow-up after hitting the ball), then suddenly a reverse pendulum to the middle with a similar action, going straight into their armpit.
Anyway, try starting off with doing backspin ones, I'd say. You can get those across the bet quite easily since you hit the ball down into the table basically full force (as allowed by such a quirky action)
D K Posted 9 years ago
My reverse pendulum always goes along the backline :/