

Stefan Liew
Stefan Liew Asked 13 years ago

Hi Pingskills, 

Whenever I try to do the backhand or forehand push, it goes high and either bounces on my table twice or just completely flies off-course. Any tips?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Stefan,

The push or chop can be an awkward stroke to start with.  Try to use mainly your fingers and wrist and lower arm.  If the ball is going too high you need to experiment with the angle of your bat first.  Try facing the bat a little more to the net rather than the ceiling.  It could also be that you are getting a flat contact with the ball rather than a brushing contact.

Try both of these things and most importantly keep trying the stroke and soon you will find it starting to go a little lower.

Take a look at our lessons on the Forehand Push and Backhand Push which will help you with the stroke.

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Forehand Topspin away from the table

If you re forced back from the table but want to make an attacking topspin we will show you how to do it.

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Thoughts on this question

Mohammad El Hariri

Mohammad El Hariri Posted 13 years ago

Hi Coaches and Stefan,

Couch, you said that the contact should be a brushing one, what about the short pushes? Should the contact be always flat?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
The short push contact can also be a brushing action.  This will give it some backspin and help it to stop shorter on the table.

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