

Juan Urquizo Unknown
Juan Urquizo Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I am playing again after some years. I used to play with a butterfly, but now I have so big amount of rackets that I don t know what to use. I like to be an offensive player, just as a intermediate one, and like to feel a hard drive in my hands but with a lot of spin. I am not very fast and prefer butterfly but is easier for me in my country to get Stiga (I dont like them too much) and DHS. What kind of racket do you recomend to me?

Thanks in advance


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Juan,

There are good many Stiga and DHS rackets.

Try the Stiga Clipper Wood.  This is used by many top International players. The other Stiga blade we can recommend is the Stiga Ultra Light.

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