Reading spin


anthony pham
anthony pham Asked 13 years ago


i have always had problems in returning serves, and i really want to improve, yes i have watched all ur videos and they r great but can u please tell me to read spin correctly?

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Anthony,

The main idea is to watch the contact of their bat on the ball.  In this way you will get the best information of what type of spin is on the ball.  Remember it is a long process to master returning serves.  The professionals make it look easy only because they have a vast database of knowledge built up over the years.

When you have seen what effect the ball has off your bat, you then need to use your bat like a rudder and angle it to steer the ball back onto the table.  Don't try to do too much with the ball.  Just use the angle of the bat to take the ball back onto the table.

This is something that we go through in great detail in our Receiving Secrets Revealed DVD.  We also go through different types of serves and how to deal with them.  If yo can get yourself a copy of this you will find it beneficial. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Receiving Options

There are 3 main strokes you can play when returning serve, a push, a flick and a topspin. We discuss these options in detail.

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