Mental Preparation
when we play slowly at de beginning it's easy to know if I play whith forehand or backand but when after several years of practise the play is more quick and it's difficult to know where the ball arrive ,for the forehand we have to arm the arm before the ball arrive can you give me some suggestions to be ready.thanks in french if you can read me. après quelques années de pratique le jeu va plus vite et il est nécessaire d'anticiper, quand il faut jouer en coup droit il faut armer le geste et parfois je suis en retard car je détecte trop tard où la balle arrive, je voudrais quelques conseils merci.
Hi Martinand,
Being able to watch the ball is the key. The better you track the ball the easier it will be to make a decision as to where the ball is coming.
The third building block of table tennis is practising random drills, where you don’t know where the ball will go. This type of training mimics real match conditions, helping you develop faster reactions and better decision-making.
Start with drills where 80% of the balls go to a set position and 20% are random. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the randomness to challenge yourself further. Incorporating random drills into your training will make your game more dynamic and match-ready.
Here's a great video on helping you improve this building block
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Marcus Hardung Posted 9 years ago
is there a special technique to better ball tracking or is it just some guys can read the balls better?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Hi Marcus,
Some players are naturally better at tracking than others like any other skill. However, it is definitely a skill that you can train and improve. During some of your training time, make a specific focus on watching the ball throughout the rally. At first it will be difficult to maintain your focus but with training, it will become natural… sound familiar… like most other skills.