Receiving serves in backhand


revantha vishnu
revantha vishnu Asked 10 years ago

Hi Jeff,

I have seen the receiving serves video and it is really helped me to improve my receives in forehand.

I have good control over the ball when i receive the serves with my forehand, but when i am receiving serves in my backhand i have lot of problems.

my play is... if i receive with my backhand i am more comfortable in getting ready to attack the next ball. forehand i need time to prepare for the shots.

can you guide me in receiving serves with backhands especially sidespin combined with underspin and topspin. 



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Revantha,

Often this comes with the touch that you have on either side.  I think the best thing is to go back to focus on the touch on the backhand by practicing short pushing and flicking.  You can even work more on the backhand attacking strokes.  The better you get at all of these the better your return of serve will be as well.

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