Receiving smashes


Karl Te
Karl Te Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois

I have been playing table tennis for 2 months now but still i can hardly receive smashes.

What should I do? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Karl,

This may take a little longer.  Don't worry and take your time with this game. I have been playing for 40 years and I still miss sometimes when they make smashes. 

Smashes are difficult to return because they are often traveling pretty fast. Your best bet is to move away from the table and try to lob the ball back.

The main thing to think about though is to stop them from making the smash. Try to keep the ball lower and to more difficult positions so that it is difficult for them to make the smash.

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Thoughts on this question

Jerry Wang

Jerry Wang Posted 10 years ago

Dear Alois Rosario,

I found that it is really difficult for me to smash, I have seen your lesson, but I always runs the ball off the edge and causing me losing the point. May you help me please?

Thank you and best regards,

Jiarui (Jerry) Wang

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Jerry,

If the ball is going off the end, try to hit the ball when it is a little higher and then smash it down more on contact.  You can also slow the ball down a little till you become more confident in the stroke.

eljun arisga

eljun arisga Posted 10 years ago

Dear Alois Rosario

I'm having a hard time returning smashes, I've seen your lesson but it seems I can't get the hang of it. May you please help me?

Thank you and best regards,

Eljun(Ej) Arisga

Siddharth Shah

Siddharth Shah Posted 10 years ago

Hi Karl,

As you are beginner you may have a problem with receiving smashes. When you get a doubt that the opponent is going to hit a smash, get away from the table and try to receive the ball. As the speed of ball will reduce and you will get some time to receive the you will find success.

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