Recovery after a shot and ball placement


yong chen
yong chen Asked 13 years ago

How do you recover to the neutral position after a shot?  i find that i am always finish my stroke and i have lots of difficulty to recover back to the neutral position after the shot. The ball returns to me and my stroke is still at the finish position.what should i do and do you any advice on my recovery to neutral ready position. Seriously need advice and help for this as shot recovery to neutral position is essential in table tennis.

For service,i have a serious do i improve my service toss? coz my toss is bad and so my quality of my service has decreased badly.any advice?

Last but not least is how do i move to balls that land on the side of the ball instead of the endline of the table? and are they attackable or not?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Yong,

Recovery is important.  Try to shorten your follow through.  One way of thinking of it is if you had a chair on the table and you finish all your strokes under the legs of the chair.

This will give you an easy recovery.

To practice your ball toss on the serve get a bag of balls and just practice throwing the ball up.  You can put a target on the floor and try to land the ball on the target.  When you are doing this consistently start to go back to serving the ball and see if it improves.

For the ball that lands on the side line it is important to move to the ball sideways.  Use your sideways footwork movement to get there.  Look at the lesson on the Footwork Basics


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