Return left handers serve


Khondker Parvez
Khondker Parvez Asked 1 year ago

When a left handed player serving to backhand of right handed player both for short and long side spin serve . 
what's the best way to return 

thank you 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Khondker,

This depends on the type of spin on the ball and where they are serving from.

The first thing to be aware of is if the ball has topspin or backspin.  If it has topspin then you can think about flicking the short serve or attacking the long serve but going over the ball.

If the serve has backspin then a push is the safest option on the short ball.  If it is long you can still attack the ball with a topspin of your own just taking into account the backspin by lifting the topspin a little more.

The other thing to watch for if the type of sidespin on the ball whether the spin is taking the ball to the let or right when you hit it.  You need to counteract this with the angle of your racket.

Finally because you don't get to return from a. left hander as often as a right hander you need to allow yourself some time to adjust to the ball coming from a different direction.  As it is coming to your backhand it is a shorter distance to watch the ball carefully and track it all the way from the hand of the server.

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Returning Examples Commentary

Alois and Jeff commentate on some footage of Alois returning serves and explain his thought process as he gets ready and then executes his return of serve.

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