Return of a powershot


Shaji Alavi
Shaji Alavi Asked 13 years ago

Hi Coach,

Kindly ask Simon to answer this question. In 1 of the videos of practicing power shots, Simon hits a topspin on the 3rd ball and on the block by the opponent he hits a powershot for a winner point.

This strategy is working for me when the placement of the powershot is good but against few opponents who are good in blocking are able to block the winner shot as well and the block comes back at a good pace that too towards the body. I hardly have the time to move. Are there any drills to speed up my reflexes or is it a difficult situation for you too?

Voting for a video response.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shaji,

I consulted with Simon over the weekend.  He talked about being able to make a movement only with your body and keeping your legs stable so that you can get to that ball effectively.  It is a matter of swaying your body out of the way of the shot while still maintaining balance.  This will happen if you have good leg balance and a fairly wide stance. 

To improve with speed you can use multi ball training. 

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Thoughts on this question

Shaji Alavi

Shaji Alavi Posted 13 years ago

Hi Coach,rnPoint noted. I do get off balance while blocking the shots directed towards the body. Although many times i bend down on 1 knee to the side to get that ball away from body, but thats while knocking.rnIn one of the videos posted by you, you have shown a drill for power and speed. 2 balls on the fh. One to the fh corner of the table and one to the middle. Is this the one i need to practice??

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Yes, that drill will help if you have enough time to move.

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