Returning fast extreme pendulum serve

Service Return

arif shaik
arif shaik Asked 12 years ago

Hello Alois n jeff,

I learned so many things from your coaching, thank you.

I have lot of difficulty returning up long, fast, lot of spinny pendulum and reverse pendulum serves on the back hand.

I tried to top spin it, its going out of table, tried just angling the paddle, i could

put the ball on table but, return is smash.

please help, with options in returning this spinny serves.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Arif,

This is an area of concern for a lot of players.   Take a look at these previous answers on the topic.  Type in Long serve to backhand in the search box at the top of the Ask the Coach page and you will see the answers there.  There are quite a few so take a bit of time to go through them.

This one in particular has a video response. Long, fast serve with lot of back spin


Thoughts on this question

arif shaik

arif shaik Posted 12 years ago

Hello Alois,

Thanks for the answer, i looked over all questions, 

I understand we need to backhand topspin them if they are long, side spin.

do you recommend aiming down the line or across, as I will be on my back hand side, leaving forehand area


thanks arif.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

The safest direction is the cross court because you have more table to aim for.  The down the line shot will be more of a surprise for your opponent and will more likely give you a forehand ball next.

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