Serve question


Emil Palm
Emil Palm Asked 12 years ago

I watched that you mayde and was thinking that I know ALOT of people that don´t do that. Watched last night. Ma Lin vs Ma Long both of them Hit the ball behind their arm sometimes. Or like hitting the ball so it comes from between their armpit and stomach. None are saying anything but according to the rules your not allowed to do that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Emil,

You are right, the service rule is often bent. It is such a complicated rule that it is open for some players doing thing incorrectly.  The umpires will often choose one area to focus on and forget about the others.

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Thoughts on this question

Emil Palm

Emil Palm Posted 12 years ago

Yeee Myself I just conplain on Old people (60+) that don´t w8 for the ball to fall but they Cast it up and hit it Directly. But I don´t realy care if they hit the ball between there armpit and stomach I just think it looks cooler when they serve. As long as I see the Racket and how they hit the ball. And when I think of it I have another question.
My Rubber is about to die on my racket and I´m gonna buy A New one. Ihad Pryde 30 on Forhand and V-Stage on Backhand. And I want the same but V-stage is not maid anymore :O And I can´t remember what "effect" had :O I think it was Soft with normal spin and more controll. Do you have any Rubber that you recommend that is Kinda the same?? And same with my Pryde 30 :O The Spin died kinda fast :O I have only watched Yasaka rubber becouse I have never seen anyone with Stiga or Donic but say what you Recommend if thats oke :) I play Offensive/Topspin on FOrhand and Deffensive/topspin on Backhand. Anyone who Read this can give some Suggestions :) Im open for it!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

I don't know too much about these but just examining numbers the Yasaka Rakza 7 looks similar to the V Stage.  Hopefully someone that has experience with these can help you out.

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