Reverse Pendulum Backspin Serve


Ian Costello
Ian Costello Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

When I try to serve a reverse pendulum side backspin serve, I always serve it with the opposite [reverse pendulum side topspin serve].

This makes me REALLY confused!

Please help!



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ian,

This is a common frustration.  It is difficult to get the bat into a good position to get backspin on the reverse pendulum serve.

You need to look at your bat as you are swinging through.  You can do this with the help of a video. At the point of contact the bat needs to be quite flat and coming under the ball.

As I said this is an awkward movement because it is hard to get your hand and bat into this position.  Lots of practice required on this one. 

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

High Toss Serve

The high toss serve looks spectacular and it gets results. It is particularly suited to the pendulum serve but we encourage you to try it out with all of your serves. Follow these instructions and add the high toss serve to your repertoire.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson Posted 13 years ago

I would love to see a video response on this. I am voting! Others please vote for a video response, too. 

Ian Costello

Ian Costello Posted 13 years ago


Shripathi ramakrishnan

Shripathi ramakrishnan Posted 12 years ago

coach alois you told us the why in this video but not the how(getting your arm around the side of the ball)

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

Try getting away from the table so you don't have the pressure of having to serve the ball. Then just experiment with getting your bat in the right position. I find this is a good way to develop a feel for the serve. See if you can replicate the action that Alois demonstrates. Remember that it takes a lot of practice to develop a good serve so don't give up too early. 

Ram Sood

Ram Sood Posted 12 years ago

Whenever i try it the ball always starts rolling. Can you please give me a tip. Also is this serve any different to the inside-out serve?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Ram,

If the ball is rolling you may be hitting it from too low.  Try getting your bat up higher and making contact when the ball is higher.

I don't know the inside out serve.

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 12 years ago

the inside out serve is the same serve, just another name for it.

Alex Thyer

Alex Thyer Posted 12 years ago

i tried it but when i did it i just got lodes of side spin and a little top spin


Oliver Posted 12 years ago

But what about disguising the ball? I can NEVER disguise the reverse from the normal any tips?

kyungwoon kyungwoon

kyungwoon kyungwoon Posted 12 years ago

Thanks.. I didn't know how to do the pendulum serve neither...

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 12 years ago

I've been training my reverse pendulum exclusively for almost a year. And without any coach to guide me, it's very difficult to learn this technique. I hope I can share some of my thoughts....

To add backspin in reverse pendulum, brushing the ball on the lower part of the ball isn't suffice. I think that the swing of reverse pendulum generally consist of 2 phases: the descending phase (where the bat swings downward) and the ascending phase (where the bat swings upward). So if I brush the ball in lower part in ascending phase, I won't produce much backspin. In the contrary, if I brush the ball in lower part in descending, I can produce more backspin.

One more thing. To put pure backspin on the ball (almost unlikely, but at least put less sidespin), try to angle the bat horizontally, and have the tip of the bat pointing sideways (body) on contact.

Justin O'Toole

Justin O'Toole Posted 12 years ago

Hi fellow table tennis players. I think this sereve needs loads of practice as it is very hard to do. I am constantly trying to get this serve right but i only get 1 out of five correct. ! is very good 2 is average and my other three are rubbish so yes i have had a bit of trouble. I guess we just have to keep practicing.

Dunni Oluwayemi

Dunni Oluwayemi Posted 11 years ago

sir when i do the revere pendulum serve(with sidespin), sometimes it just goes to low and spins around my side of the table. any tips?


THX in advance

Kaustubh Kulkarni

Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago

I didn't understand your explanation of the contact point and action in the video. Please can you explain it more clearly?

eduardo espinosa

eduardo espinosa Posted 9 years ago

Please Mr. Rosario, could you explain if there are any advantages between this serve and the traditional backhand or forehand underspin serves?

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 9 years ago

Pendulum serve and reverse pendulum serve has the same spin. Then what is the difference between them just action or anything else?

Laurie Humphrey

Laurie Humphrey Posted 8 years ago

The reverse pendulum serve is very easy when done in front of the body and not at the side,  by cumming across the body left to right if you are right handed with speed you can achieve a very fast serve . Is the reason for doing the RPS close to the side of the body to hide what serve is cumming. I do not have access to a TT club  so I have no idea about these things. But you can get some serious side spin when done in front of the body.

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