Reverse pendulum serve


Alex Horscroft
Alex Horscroft Asked 13 years ago

hi ive been playing for around 4 years now and i have developed a spinny pendulum serve, i am thinking of using the reverse pendulum and disguising it to confuse my opponents, but at the moment i am dreadful at it, i am getting a ball catch net for christmas so i will have plenty of time to practice if i choose to do the serve, is it worth it, or should i not bother, i have 6 other serves:

pendulum, pendulum topsin, pendulum backspin, tomahawk, reverse tomahawk (just started around 2 months ago) , tomahawk chop.

all feedback will be greatly appreciated 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Alex,

I think it is good to experiment with serves and see what suits you.  Eventually you only need a few serves with different variations to be successful. 

I would classify that you have the Pendulum, Tomahawk and Reverse Tomahawk serves.  The others you mention are variations of spin that you are doing with the same serve.  This is a good array of serves you have already.  Work on the Reverse Pendulum and see if that suits your game better.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tomahawk Serve

We break down the tomahawk serve into fine detail so you can learn how to execute it effectively.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 13 years ago

Don't forget the hook serve / punch serve!

Personally I would recommend you add reverse pendulum to your repertoire.  It is one of the less common serves and you can surprise opponents with it sometimes.  Don't forget the high toss serve as well, which is also a nice surprise serve since not many people in local clubs see this.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Good advice Ji-Soo.  Thanks.

nimesh venisious

nimesh venisious Posted 12 years ago



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