Reverse Penhold Grip


Inaam Hussain
Inaam Hussain Asked 8 years ago

When I do the reverse backhand penhold shot the ball hits my finger. Or when I do it, my direction of the shot misses the table completely. Not like the famed legend Wang Hao, the elegant penholder. My fingers are big and are splayed on the backhand side, so how do I make an elegant shot in the backhand reverse penhold shot? It's a really elegant shot and maybe you can help me turn this weakness into one of my strongest armoury, since I wield the penhold grip and my opponents use this weakness against me. And can a penhold chop the ball for maximum variation?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Inaam,

The RPB can be difficult but the key is to get the grip right so that the bat is facing towards your target.

Take a look at our tutorial on Penhold Techniques for Table Tennis which goes through this.

It is an important stroke to develop for a penhold player no so that you can play attacking shots on the backhand side.

You can also chop the ball on the backhand as a variation.

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