Last updated 7 months ago
Fixing to upgrade my suz201 robot and am considering power pong delta wondering if you have opinion of or experience with power pong product. I live rural and practice at home alone a lot. Trying to train for upcoming senior games qualifying in April.
Hi William,
I haven't had experience with the Power Pong but in general they seem to make some of the most reputable table tennis robots on the market.
It's always a good idea to read user reviews, watch demo videos, and possibly consult with a coach or other players who have used the Power Pong Delta to gather a well-rounded understanding of the robot before making the investment.
As for your preparation for the senior games, make sure to include a variety of drills that not only improve your technical skills but also simulate match conditions to prepare you for the pressure and unpredictability of real-world play. Good luck with your training and the upcoming qualifiers!
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Rick August Posted 7 months ago
I own a Butterfly Amicus Prime and also use a Power Pong Omega robot. Both robots have nearly identical hardware and are produced in the same factory in Hungary. Both are good machines but the software is slightly better on the Butterfly Amicus Prime. With the Amicus Prime, you can set it up that after you serve, the machine picks up the sound of the second bounce of the serve and will then throw balls so that you can work on a 3rd or 5th ball attack. The Power Pong Omega cannot sense your serve but both machines can serve balls so that you can work on your return and a 4th ball attack. I'm not familiar with Delta version so I don't know what you are giving up compared to the Omega version but the Omega version and the Amicus Prime can both give you fairly match realistic drills if you set it up properly. Both have a scatter feature so that the throws the ball over a small range of locations so be more like a real opponent. Also, you can program random ball locations. Look at the features of the Power Pong and Butterfly Amicus robots and see what each version offers.
Philip Samuel Posted 7 months ago
Hi William
I've got the Power Pong Omega. Check out all of its features on the Power Pong YouTube Channel. If you are a serious player you will not regret your investment.