Hello pingskills team
Recently I recognised that I am quite good at returning topspin,but I have problems with returning a high ball or a spinless attack.
Do you have any idea how to use my robot to simulate these shots as it has very low head that cannot move up so much to create such a high ball and cannot shot a spinless ball?
Is there any option how to fool it?
Hi DK,
I don’t know any tricks with this but someone that uses one may have some ideas.
Apart from the serve, the return is the most important stroke in Table Tennis. This week we focus heavily on the first 2 balls in the rally to give you the maximum time serving and returning.
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Romeo Chua Posted 9 years ago
I think you can play with people instead. Like... play an exhibition match :D
Steve Billmire Posted 9 years ago
D K,
What type of robot do you have??? Depending on what type you have, either the kind that sit on the table or the kind that sit on the floor. If you have the type that sits on the table then you can lift the front of the robot to change the balls trajectory. This will help when you want the robot to launch the ball higher and closer to the net. Then adjust the robot to send you whatever spin or no spin you are trying to achieve for your practice.
If you have the type that sits on the floor you can do the same thing. Just put something under the front of the robot, like a 2"x4"x12" long piece of wood. Depending on how much you need to lift it to achieve desired ball trajectory. We have done this at my club and it works just fine.
Also, as a side note. If you have one of the Joola IPONG robots. Joola IPONG sells a tilt stand for there robots for what you are trying to achieve.
Hope this helps. :-)
D K Posted 9 years ago
I would play with people,but no one wants to play with a classical chopper.
And if they want,they deliberately play smashes or lobs,so I cannot train anything else than a smash.
I have the Donic robopong robot.
(I should note that the word "lobs" was a mistake,I did not want to type it here,but my computer often has lags)
It sits on the table.
I do not wantto train smashing,my game is catching them,but the robot cannot simulate a powerful drive/smash or a "weak-smash" (smash-like stroke that raises very high immediately,but falls nearly vertically about 5metres behind the table,but is absolutely powerless,played with no power,just by letting the hand fall on the ball).
Your note is correct,my robot can play all types of spin,but it has only one wheel,so it cannot play a ball without spin.
About the high attack:I meant a topspin,about 50 cm high,falling very quickly deep into the court,fast enough to not be considered a lob.
Gerhard Mlekusch Posted 9 years ago
Hi DK,
I'm using both RoboPong 2050 as well as NewStar 2080 CR in order to adapt my Pips concept to discomfort playing situations. A couple of adversaries figure out shortly how to play effectively against Pips - spinless with high arc and sometimes reduced pace both on FH as well as on BH. To prevent myself falling into the trap NewStar 2080 is perfect to simulate situations as described. The robot sits on the floor (like others) but can be placed from the left/right corner of the table to a distance of 1 to 2 meters from the middle of the table. You also can move the height of tube ejecting the balls from 10 to 30 cm. Therefore you can simulate almost each ball (spinny or spinless). RoboPong I am mainly use in terms of enhancing safety by drills focusing eg. on exact playing down the line or by training foot steps by vary pace and horizontal angle.
reynaldo difuntorum Posted 9 years ago
im sure you have tha same robot as I'm using right now ! I use my robot for so many drills flick ,lobs ,top spin you name it !! Just explore and if you have good space ? Put down the robot on the floor and away from the table and use the highest speed or spin and put the head up ok
Steve Smith Posted 9 years ago
Hi DK,
Sounds like the robot you use clips on the end of the table, to get it to do the shot you want I think you will need to take it off the table and either put it on the floor some way away from the table or put it on a chair or something and then trig the front of the robot up with books or something so that it shoots the ball up more vertically, if you can get the ball to travel a long distance most of the spin put on by the robot should have died off by the time it bounces, this method may take a bit of trial and error to get right and the collection net/ ball feed may not work perfectly but Im sure you will be able to achieve something playable
Joe Bailey Posted 9 years ago
Hi DK,
If you have separate knobs for topspin and backspin, try turning them both up. That way, the spin will balance out and you will get more power with less speed.