Rolling the ball from one side to the other


Tom Dean
Tom Dean Asked 10 years ago


How do you roll the ball from one side of the bat to the other. In your 'practicing alone' video at 02:05 you start rolling the ball from one side to the other. How do you do this? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Tom,

Aha… this is a bit of a trick.  Give it a bit more of a try and see if you can do it.  Let me know in a few days if you have worked it out.

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Thoughts on this question

Steve Billmire

Steve Billmire Posted 10 years ago

Yes Tom and Alois,

This is definitely a "Trick" that takes time to master. I have worked on it a few times and have only been able to do it a couple of time's. So practice, practice, practice and sooner or later you will get it.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 10 years ago

I find I can do it in one direction quite easily,from my forehand to my backhand. The ball rolls over smoothly. But backhand to forehand remains a bit bouncy on the rubber. Just keep practicing I guess :)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

You are right Johan…. keep practising.

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 10 years ago

I've been practicing this too and I found that "rolling over" is really the combination of three skills:

  1. alternate bouncing the ball on forehand and backhand
  2. throwing the ball with one bat side instead of hitting it
  3. catching a ball with the bat from up in the air

The first is a basic skill which is easy to practice.

The second skill is also not too difficult. Throw up the ball with one bat side, then let it bounce on the other.

The third requires more practice: bounce the ball high, then bring up the bat towards it and guide the ball while falling, thus "catching" it.

Bringing it all together:

  1. throw up the ball with one bat side
  2. keep the upward trajectory low
  3. follow the ball upward with your bat
  4. tilt the bat at the peak of the ball, while still following it
  5. catch the ball with the other bat side

If you do these five steps and try keeping the bat in contact with the ball, you'll eventually "roll it over".

Tom Dean

Tom Dean Posted 10 years ago

Thanks guy really helped smile


Dean Fitzgerald

Dean Fitzgerald Posted 8 years ago

Rubber with a high control rating helps, i spent alot of time trying to do both this and just catching the ball with no bounce etc. I bought a Ping Skills Rook and could start doing it fairly well within a day. I found it a real confidence boost and then started moving on to trying it with bats with more frisky rubber.

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