Forehand Topspin away from the table


Shaji Alavi
Shaji Alavi Asked 13 years ago

Hi Coach,

Thanks to your videos and tips my forehand topspin vs block(close to the table) has improved and i am getting consistent at it. My highest score is 119. I am still to get to the 200 figure you said.
But when it comes to topspin vs block away from the table when the ball is dipping, then i am hardly able to keep the ball on the table. Normally i do 200-300 shadow swings before starting the topspin vs block practice. It helps a lot. But as i am not clear about the weight shifting or the arm swing(as the arm starts pretty low than the one from close to the table) i cant do the shadow swings for this stroke.
Kindly make a video similar to your topspin vs block video as shown in your lessons page. It goes through the details of the arm angle etc. Coach another request, kindly talk about breathing during rallies, showing a shot or 2 with the breathing.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shaji,

The topspin from away from the table is just a longer version of the topspin against block.  You need to extend the backswing and follow through slightly.  Do not make too many other adjustments.

Regarding breathing, I think if we start to think too much about things like this it can take our focus away from other important things in practice. I think breathing between points can be a good thing to distract you from your other thoughts, especially the negative ones.

Recommended Video

Advanced Backhand Topspin

Learn how to use your wrist, forearm, and hips to generate more speed on your backhand topspin.

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Thoughts on this question

Shaji Alavi

Shaji Alavi Posted 13 years ago

Thanks coach. I dont know whether its the footwork(bending low) or the action where i am getting it wrong. I still am not able to get that topspin rally going away from the table. Honestly i'd still like to see those knee height balls topspinned. The more i watch the more i learn. Afterall it was the free videos that got my actions correct. I have voted. Hoping to get a video response.

Justin Lance

Justin Lance Posted 13 years ago

Topspinning a knee height ball will generally result in a high spinny shot.

Unless that's what you're wanting, it's definitely recommended to make contact with the ball before it drops so low. 

LeangHeng IT

LeangHeng IT Posted 12 years ago

Hi Shaji, I reckon you like table tennis so much as I do.

I am not consistent yet, but may what I am going to say helps you???

You might have thought TOO much about the height and other stuffs. If you want execute fast topspin loop far away from the table, there are a few questions need to be asked:

1, The ball already has topspin on it, do we have open the bat or close it??? lift it from downwards to upwards or prepare to swing from backwards to forwards???

2, Increasing the power (speed) of the strike far away from the table needs very good timing of the correct contact on the ball and good footwork (so that we still have balance), the question is "Are we able to make consistent kill loop vs backspin ball using multi balls yet???" The speed and footwork play critical roles here, I believe.

3, For looping vs heavy backspin, we require to transfer weight from right foot to left one (for right hander). however, this is topspin ball, do we need use this force (I think it can slow down the hit) against the ball or can we borrow our opponent's power to return the ball back???

If I were you, I would forget the height of the ball dropping as it is distraction!!!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Good work Shaji!

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 8 years ago

Hello guys I play a loop at a mid distance and half of my game is based on loops rest pushes and smashes.

I am about to buy Andro Rasant Powergrip will it suit this type of play? Someone who used this rubber please answer?

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