Rubbed off rubber


Johan B
Johan B Asked 9 years ago


I think my thumb might be causing the rubber to loosen

Is it a problematic grip in any way performance wise?

Can I just add some glue between the rubber and the sponge in that spot? That the rubber is a bit worn out in a spot I should never hit the ball doesn't really bother me

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Johan,

The rubber does do this sometimes especially if you are gripping hard on the rubber.  Perhaps you can think about having a more relaxed grip with the thumb.

The rubber lifting won’t effect the performance of the bat.  You can try putting a touch of glue under the rubber and then clamping it down or applying pressure for a while.  It will sometimes hold for a little while but it would be hard to keep it permanently like that.

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