rubber rubber rubber...


luis astudillo
luis astudillo Asked 16 years ago

hi, jeff and alois.

I've been playing table tennis in a club for 3 years...the first year i was using sriver fx 1.9 on forehand and mark V 1.5 on backhand...the second year i used sriver fx 2.1 on forehand and mark V 2.0 on backhand (i really improved my backhand)...this year i used bryce 2.1 on forehand and kept mark V 2.0 on backhand.....i always felt comfortable with these rubbers...but now i feel like this two rubbers are a bit slow to trainer says that Tenergy is quite good... last week i played with Tenergy 2.1 and really liked it for looping, counterhitting and blocking (forehand)...but it was difficult when serving and pushing, do you think it is a matter of practise or i just got to look for another rubber?maybe donic coppa J.O. platin? can you recommend me one? 

And my backhand?...i tried Tenergy  on it but didn't like it...too fast... but maybe Tenergy 1.9  or 1.7 could be fine...or another rubber?...what guys do you think?

thanks in advance,

P.D: never used speed glue

u guys are the best!!

happy new year!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Luis,

I think you can let yourself adjust a little to the Tenergy on the forehand.  Pushing and serving is always the last thing to adjust well with new rubber.  If you find it good for the open game I would stick with it.

Yes you can try a thinner rubber for the backhand if you like.

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