Rubber selection


abhishek yadav
abhishek yadav Asked 12 years ago

hi alois,

i am mostly spin type player and prefer loop as an attacking stroke what kind of rubbers should i use?

are Chinese rubbers good?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Abhishek,

There are a lot of suitable rubbers.  There are a lot of different Chinese rubbers.

The rubbers we recommend are Mark V, Yasaka Pryde and XIOM Vega Pro but as we have said often before there are a lot of good rubbers out there.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Replacing Your Rubber

Learn how to replace your Table Tennis rubber on a custom bat.

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Thoughts on this question

Cloud Cledera

Cloud Cledera Posted 12 years ago

Friendship 729 and Stiga Calibra series rubbers are a good start my friend. 

Gordon Hume

Gordon Hume Posted 12 years ago

As an alternative to the Vega Pro, for someone who loves extra spin from their rubbers, can I recommend the Xiom Vega Elite?  It's not rated quite as fast as the Pro version but the ultra-soft sponge gives lots of spin, as well as good control and a softer touch when needed for blocking or playing close to the net.

(Also, as a psychological "bonus", the peculiar metallic clanking noise when you hit hard with it seems to strike fear into one's opponents — or so I've been told! LOL)

Good luck with whatever you choose.  :)

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 12 years ago

There are more quality rubbers than u can shake a stick at. Instead of getting too caught up on finding that perfect rubber maybe just try out 3 or so rubbers that have high spin ratings and then stick with the one u like. Most important thing is not getting one too fast for u so watch sponge thickness and also speed of blade. It's no use getting a bat that allows u to hit a blazing winner once in a while at the expense of consistency. 

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira

AmekunRaiane Rivadeneira Posted 12 years ago

go with stiga evo :)

gr8 for controls and spins

Martin Coronel

Martin Coronel Posted 12 years ago

why wont you start with normal rubbers with average spin,speed,and control

then when you get better go with Stiga Destroyer (black) and Xiom Vega-pro (red) for the rubber and for the blade go with Butterfly Millerga Proline II

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