Rubbers - when to change


srijith Bhaskaran
srijith Bhaskaran Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

I am using a Johyner H-Fl blade(OFF) with Donic S1 Acuda on both sides. Rubbers were purchased 4-5 months back from a reputed store. Few weeks ago I used a cleaner. Ever since I used this cleanser I feel the rubbers are playing soft and slow. Can the cleaner affect the rubbers? I do not play often less than 4-5 hrs a week

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Srijith,

We usually say that the rubbers last about 80 hours.  After this they will start to show signs of wear.  It depends on what type of cleaner you are using but they shouldn't effect the rubber that quickly.

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