Bodybuilding exercises


Ali Zarei
Ali Zarei Asked 11 years ago


Do you know from what age and what grade of play players should start bodybuilding exercises or the top players from which age has begun?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Ali,

You can do some exercises from an early age.  You need to go and see someone professionally about this so that you make sure you are doing things that are appropriate for your age and development.

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#9 - Forehand Attacking Technique

In this session we introduce some random drills. A random drill is where you don't always know where the ball is going. Random drills are really important for your development as they are more game like. You need to be able to play your strokes well even when you don't know where the ball is going. We also continue to work on your new serve. This week we introduce a target into your service practice to help you gain even more control on your serve.

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