

Abhidas Naguleswaran
Abhidas Naguleswaran Asked 6 years ago

Hey alois,

Hi sir, I want to ask a small doubt from my side. Does short pimple rubber good to return any server and to do pushes? Because I have 1 short pimple rubber should i paste it to racket or just leave it. Does short pimple rubber useful to smash balls? or just to return and push. Also sir sorry for another question is short pimple good in tournaments or long pimples. Just reply me soon what is the best and why because I have a tournament this week :) thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Abhidas,

I don't think it is a good idea to change rubber this close to a tournament.

After the tournament you can trial the pimples.  The short pimples will tend to make it easier to return serves as the spin doesn't have as much effect on the pimples.  Long pimples will make it even easier to return serves but you can't generate as much spin or speed yourself.  You need to try them both and see what feels right for you... after the tournament.

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