Hey Alois,
I wanted to ask that suppose i have two rubbers eg. rakza 7(1.0mm) and mark v (max) , so will the speed and spin of both the rubbers will be almost same? coz the thinner the sponge the lesser the speed.
if yes then why should we buy the expensive rubber with less thickness if we can buy different rubber woth same specs at lesser cost?
Hi Mohammad,
Good observations. I think what you are saying is true to a certain degree. A 1mm Rakza 7 and a max Mark V might be similar in speed. I've never actually tested this out. The problem is when you want something faster than a max Mark V, then you need to move up to something like a Rakza 7 and probably in a similar thickness to the Mark V you were using.
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Jean Balthazar Posted 7 years ago
If it's just speed you're after, take the cheaper rubber in max sponge thickness. But usually the more expensive rubber has other characteristics that are also different, like its grippyness or its dynamism (tensor effect).
Dima Shevchenko Posted 7 years ago
Intresting anwsers